Aide ton prochain

Who am I?

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As founder of the association "Aide Ton Prochain ", which means “Help Your Neighbor”, a non-profit organization, governed under the law of 1901 as such, of which I am also the president, I, Guy Mattana, born in Alsace, on August 19th, 1958, consider myself as a kind of independent missionary, while being self-financed. Deeply a Christian, however without label nor membership in some religion, I’m a French resident, living in the region of Haute-Savoie, called " Le Genevois ", and I meet my own needs and those of my association by the labor of my hands, my talents and my " multi-purpose know-how ", mainly in the field of excavation, construction, building renovation. My "leitmotiv" could express itself by this word, which sounded once, very clear to my ears: " There is no bigger love than to give one’s own life for one’s friends ". Therefore, I’m available where I can help the others. It can be next to at my home, or somewhere else on the planet, according to what occurs. For example, in Ivory Coast, where I collaborated with Minister Moussa Koné, establishing a mission, with health center and school, in the North of the country, either in Haiti, whom orphans, by thousands, affected my heart. In these places, besides helping in the construction and in the transport of the volunteers and the necessary materials, I brought medicines, supplied by SEMM - Geneva, and provided basic medical care, which contributed to avoid either the amputation of a member(limb), for some persons, or the death by blood-poisoning for others. Most part of the world population being, without knowledge, victim of superstition, vaudouisme, maraboutage, animism, magic or witchcraft, or still under the curse of numerous dark occulted spiritualties, I also give practical teachings onto hygiene as well as spiritual lightening, necessary for a healthy life. Exercising this ministry by trimesters, full-time, also praying for the sick, so that they are cured in the name of Jesus, I devote the three-quarters of the year remaining to meet it concretely, as I indicated it higher, and I keep me available, where my skills are required.